General Section

What is e-Procurement?

Electronic procurement (e‐procurement) is use of electronic tools and systems to increase efficiency and reduce costs during each stage of the purchasing process. It is the purchasing of goods and services using the internet. It:

Ø Covers full life cycle of purchasing (from indent to receipt of goods)

Ø Connects buyers and suppliers through electronic exchange of Tenders, contracts, POs, invoices etc

What is e-Tendering?

Electronic Tendering is carrying out the traditional tendering process in an electronic form, using the internet. E-tendering is the procurement process simply conducted online, i.e. supplier registration/ creation, issuance, tender download, submission of bid, receipt & opening of tenders.

What is e-Tendering portal?

An e-Tendering Portal is a Web based application which offer services for e-tendering. Prabha Energy Limited officials / suppliers can access this portal either through a link provided at Prabha Energy Limited official web site or directly through URL https://pepljharia.etenders.in, for floating of e-tender or to participate in online bidding process.

Basic Requirement
Portal Enrollment
Digital Signature
Tender Participation Related
Common Errors